
Thursday, 15 September 2011


On Dipawali night, sadhak should sit on a yellow asana (mat) wearing yellow cloths and facing towards north after becoming suddha[1]. Spread a yellow piece of cloth on a khatiya (almost similar to a very small book-sized table) and put a thali (Indian plate, normally use copper one) on the top of it and draw asthadala kamal[2]( You do not have to draw the whole thing; it is just outer shape of the eight petals of lotus within the imaginary circle) on it with keshar (a kind of color) and place the Mahaganapati-Mahalaxmi yantra (machine; it is a rectangular piece of copper and some kinds of impressions on it) on it. Then, place Riddi kalpantika on the east, Siddhi kalpantika on the west, Subha on the north and Laabha on the south of the yantra and put five tika with asthagandha at the centre of the yantra reciting the mantra “Om dhanadayai nama:” five times and put tika yourself as well. And then, start your pujan (worships).

Materials needed—
  1. Kumkum (a powder either made from turmeric or saffron)
  2. Mauli (a cotton red thread roll)
  3. Agarbatti (candles)
  4. Keshar (saffron)
  5. Kapur (camphor)
  6. Sindur (Vermilion)
  7. Paan (see glossary-taambula)
  8. Supari (areca nut or betel nut)
  9. Cloves
  10. Alaichi (black cardamom)
  11. Fruits
  12. Flower garlands
  13. Ganga jal (pure water)
  14. Panchamrit (a mix made up of milk, yogurt, ghee, honey and sugar)
  15. Yagyopavit (a sacred thread)
  16. Cloths for offering
  17. Sweets
  18. Copper Aachamani (copper ladle to ladle out holy water) and Panchapatra (a copper container, where water is ladle out from)

Pabitrikaran[3] (process getting pure from inside and outside)

You take Suddha (Clean) water on your left cupped palm and cover it with your right palm and recite the mantra-
अपवित्र: पवित्रो वा सर्वावस्थांगतोऽपि वा l
: स्मेरत्पुण्डरिकाक्षं बाह्यभ्यन्तर: शुचि: ll
Om apabitra: pabitro wa sarwawasthaagato pi wa l
Ya: smeratpundarikaanksham sa baahyabhyantara: shuchi ll

And say a bit loud “Hari om” thrice closing your eyes and on chin mudra (tips of the index finger and thumb touched)

Sankalpa (just like taking oath)

Take some suddha (pure) water on your right cupped palm with drabya (precious items, such as coins)/flowers and recite the following mantra.

Om Vishnur Vishnu shri madbhagavato mahaapurusha sya vishnoraagyayaa pravartamaanasya adhya shri bramhanonhi dwitiya paraardwe shwetaavaraahakalpe vaivaswata manvantare jambudwipe bharata varshe asmin pavitra kshetre amuka vaasare (take name the day) amuka gotrotpannoham (take your gotra), amuka sharmaham (take your name) yathaa militopachaarai: shri mahalaxmi prityarthe dipawali pujanam cha karisye l

ç lji0f' lj{i0f' >L db\eujtf] dxfk'?if:olji0ff]/f1of k|jt{dfg:o cB >L a|Dx0ff]˜lGx l4tLo k/f4]{ Zj]tfj/fxsNk] j}j:jtdGjGt/] hDa"4Lk] ef/tjif]{ cl:dg\ kljq If]q] cd's jf;/] -_ cd's uf]qf]TkGgf]˜x+ -_ cd's zdf{˜x+ -_ oyf ldlntf]krf/} >L dxfnIdL k|LToy]{ bLkfjnL k"hg+ r sl/io] .

And then, leave the water on the floor.

Guru Pujan

Place the Guru picture or Guru yantra in front of you and recite the following stotra with two palms stuck together (like doing namaskar).

u'?a|{Dxf u'?lj{i0f' u'?b]{jf] dx]Zj/: .
: ;fIfft\ k/a|Dx t:d} >Lu'/j] gd: ..
u'?+ cfjfxofld :yfkofld gd .
kfB+, :gfg+, ltns+, k'ik+, w"k+,
bLk+, g}j]B+ r ;dk{ofld gd ..

Gurur bramhaa gururvishnu gururdevo maheswara l
Guru: saakshaat parabramha tasmai shri guruve nama: ll
Gurum aavaahayaami sthaapayaami nama l
Paadhyam, snaanam, tilakam, pushpam, dhupam,
Dipam, naivedhyam cha samarpayaami nama ll

and then, offer padhya[4], tilaka[5], flowers, incense sticks, dip (candles) and naivedhya[6] after bathing Guru with suddha (pure) water and pray with the following stotra.

c1fgltld/fGw:o 1fgf+hg znfsof .
rIf'?GdLlnt+ o]g t:d} >L u'/]j] gd ..

agyana timiraandhasya gyaanaanjana shalaakayaa l
chakshurunmilitam yena tasmai shri guruve nama ll

Ganapati Pujan

Pray to god Ganapati with reciting the following stotra and imagine his picture in bhrikuti (in the middle of two eyebrows) sticking two palms together.

uhfgg+ e"t u0fflw;]ljt+,
slkTy hDa"kmn rf?eIf0f+ .
pdf;'t+ zf]s ljgfz sf/s+,
gdfld lj£g]Zj/ kfbk+shd\ ..
ç u0f]zfo gd Wofg+ ;dk{ofld ..

gajaananam bhuta ganaadhisevitam,
kapittha jambufala chaarubhakshanam l
umaasutam shoka vinaasha kaarakam,
namaami vighneshwara paadapankajam ll
om ganeshaaya nama dhyaanam samarpayaami ll

and offer a flower asana[7] (mat to sit on) to god Ganapati/Ganesha.

Then, bathe the Mahaganapati-Mahalaxmi yantra with pure water and panchamrit reciting the following stotra—

k~r gB: ;/:jtL dlkolGt ;;|f]t;\: .
;/:jtL t' k~rwf ;f]b]z]˜ejt\ ;l/t\ ..

Pancha naddha: saraswati mapiyanti sasrotas: l
Saraswati tu panchadhaa sodeshe bhavat sarit ll

After doing this, offer chandan, akshata, flower garlands, naivedhya et cetera revolving the burnt incense sticks and dip (candles) around the yantra thrice and recite following stotra.

rGbg+ cIftfg\ k"ik dfnf+ g}j]B+ r ;dk{ofld gd
: .
w"k+ bLk+ bz{ofld gd
: ..

chandanam akshataan puspa maalaam naivedhyam cha samarpayaami nama l
dhupam dipam darshayaami nama ll

And do Achamanam (The simplest versions of achamanam consist of sipping water 3 times from the Brahma-Grantha (base of the right thumb) while reciting different mantras in praise of the lord. Water is first poured into the cupped palm of the right hand. One then recites the specific mantra and silently sips the water from the base of the thumb) and offer pan(see taambula in glossary), black cardamom and cloves and other stuffs included and pray saying the following line with both palms stuck as you do namaskar.

gd:t] a|Dxf?kfo lji0f'?kfo t] gd: .
gd:t] ?b|?kfo sl/?kfo t] gd
: .
ljZj?k:j?kfo gd:t] a|Dxfrfl/0f] .
eQmlk|ofo b]jfo gd:t'Eo+ ljgfos ..
ç u+ u0fkto] gd
: ..
lglj{£gd:t' . lglj{£gd:t' . lglj{£gd:t' ..
ç tt\ ;b\a|Dxfk{0fd:t' .
cg]g s[t]g k"hg]g l;l4 a'l4 ;lxt
: ..
>L eujfg\ u0fflwklt
: k|LoGtfd\ ..

Namaste bramharupaaya vishnurupaaya te nama: l
Namaste rudrarupaaya karirupaaya te nama: l
Vishwarupaswa rupaaya namaste bramhaachaarine l
Bhakta priyaaya devaaya namastubhyam vinaayaka ll
Om gam ganapataye nama: ll
Nirvighnamastu l Nirvighnamastu l Nirvighnamastu ll
Om tat sadbramhaarpana mastu l
Anena kritena pujanena siddhi buddhi sahita: ll
Shri bhagavaan ganaadhipati: priyantaam ll

Now, start doing dhyanam (meditate on) on Mahalaxmi with both palms stuck together facing inwardly. Recite the following stotra—

ç cDa] clDas] cDaflns] g df golt sZrg .
;;:ToZjs ;'elb|sf+ sfDkLnfjfl;gLd\ ..
>L dxfnIDo} gd Wofg+ ;dk{ofld ..

Om ambe ambike ambaalike na maa nayati kashchana l
Sasastyashwaka subhadrikaam kaampilaavaasinim ll
Shri mahaalaxmyai nama dhyaanam samarpayaami ll

Aavhaahana[8] (invitation to the goddess)

After finishing with dhyanam (meditation), place a flower in between two palms and call the Bhagawati Mahalaxmi reciting the following stotra –

dxfkB jgfGt:y] sf/0ffgGblju|x] .
;j{e"tlxt] dft/x\o]lx k/d]Zjl/ ..
>L dxfnIDo} gd
: cfjfxg+ ;dk{ofld ..

Mahaapaddha vanaantasthe kaaranaa nanda vigrahe l
Sarvabhutahite maatarahyehi parameshwari ll
Shri mahaalaxmyai nama aavaahanam samarpayaami ll

Offer the flower on the yantra.

Aasana (Mat to sit on)

Offer a flower for aasana (mat to sit on) reciting this –

>L dxfnIDo} gd: cf;g+ ;dk{ofld gd: ..

Sri mahaalaxmyai nama aasanam samarpayaami nama ll


Offer two scoops of aachamani (ladles) of pure water on the feet of the idol or image reciting this –

>L dxfnIDo} gd: kfB+ ;dk{ofld ..
c£o{ cfrdgLo+ :gfg+ r ;dk{ofld ..

sri mahaalaxmyai nama paddham samarpayaami ll
arghya aachamaniyam snaanam cha samarpayaami ll

And then, again, offer arghya (the water offered to the Lord as a token of respectful greeting) and do aachamani and bathe the idol or image of the Bhagavati[9].

Panchaamrit snaana (bathing with panchaamrit)

Bathe the Bhagavati with panchaamrit reciting the following –

dWjfHozs{/fo'Q+m blwIfL/;dlGjtd\ .
k~rfd[t+ u[xf0f]b+ k~rf:ok|f0fjNne] ..
>L dxfnIDo} gd
: k~rfd[t :gfg+ ;dk{ofld ..

Madhvaajya sharkaraayuktam dadhikshira samanvitam l
Panchaamritam grihaanedam panchaasya praana vallabhe ll
Sri mahaalaxmyai nama panchaamrita snaanam samarpayaami ll

Shuddodaka snaana

Now, bathe the Bhagawati with pure water reciting following –

k/dfgGbaf]wflAw+ lgdUg lghd"t{o] .
z'4f]bs}:tj :gfg+ sNkofDoDa z+sl/ ..
>L dxfnIDo} gd
: z'4f]bs :gfg+ ;dk{ofld ..

Paramaananda bodhaabdhim nimagna nijamurtaye l
Shuddhodakai stava snaanam kalpayaamyamba shankari ll
Sri mahaalaxmyai nama suddhodaka snaanam samarpayaami ll

And offer bastra (cloths), aabhusan (jewels), gandha (fragrance), akshata[10], and flowers to the Bhagavati reciting the respective mantras.

For bastra (cloths),

>L dxfnIDo} gd: j:q+ ;dk{ofld ..
Sri mahaalaxmyai nama vastram samarpayaami ll

For aabhusana (jewels),

>L dxfnIDo} gd: cfe"if0f+ ;dk{ofld ..
Sri mahaalaxmyai nama aabhusanam samarpayaami ll

For gandha (fragrances),

>L dxfnIDo} gd: uGw+ ;dk{ofld ..
Sri mahaalaxmyai nama gandham samarpayaami ll

For akshata,

>L dxfnIDo} gd: cIftfg\ ;dk{ofld ..
Sri mahaalaxmyai nama akshataan samarpayaami ll

For flowers,

>L dxfnIDo} gd: k'ikfl0f ;dk{ofld ..
Sri mahaalaxmyai nama puspaani samarpayaami ll

And offer rice grains, kumkum, and flowers together on the yantra reciting the following mantras –

ç rknfo} gd: kfbf} k"hofld ..
om chapalaayai nama paadau pujayaami ll

ç r~rnfo} gd: hfg'gL k"hofld ..
om chanchalaayai nama jaanuni pujayaami ll

ç sdnfo} gd: sl6+ k"hofld ..
om kamalaayai nama katim pujayaami ll

ç sfTofoGo} gd: gfle+ k"hofld ..
om kaatyaayanyai nama naabhim pujayaami ll

ç huGdfq] gd: h7/ k"hofld ..
om jaganmaatre nama jathara pujayaami ll

ç ljZjjNnefo} gd: jIf: :yn+ k"hofld ..
om vishwa vallabhaayai nama vaksha sthalam pujayaami ll

ç sdnjfl;Go} gd: x:tf} k"hofld ..
om kamalavaasinyai nama hastau pujayaami ll

ç kBfggfo} gd: d'v+ k"hofld ..
om paddhana naayai nama mukham pujayaami ll

ç sdnkqfIo} gd: g]qqo+ k"hofld ..
om kamala patraakshyai nama netra trayam pujayaami ll

ç l>o} gd: lz/: k"hofld ..
om sriyai nama shira pujayaami ll

ç dxfnIDo} gd: ;jf{¨ k"hofld ..
om mahalaxmyai nama sarvaanga pujayaami ll

Then, revolve the dip (candles) and incense sticks thrice clockwise in front of the image or idol of the Bhagavati and recite the mantras respectively—

>L dxfnIDo} gd: w"k+ cf3|fkofld ..
Sri mahaalaxmyai nama dhupam aaghraapayaami ll

>L dxfnIDo} gd: bLk+ bz{ofld ..
Sri mahaalaxmyai nama dipam darshayaami ll

Naiveddha (foods prepared for the goddess and we are not supposed to taste or eat it before offering to the Bhagavati. We take it at the end as prasaadam.)

Recite the following mantras –

Gffg ljwflg eIofl0f Jo~hgflg xl/lk|o] .
oy]i6+ e'ª\Ij g}j]B+ if8\/;+ r rt'lj{wd\ ..
>L dxfnIDo} gd
: g}j]B+ lgj]bofld ..
Nana vidhaani bhakshyaani vyanjanaani haripriye l
Yathestam bhunkshva sadrasam cha chaturvidham ll
Sri mahaalaxmyai nama naiveddham nivedayaami ll

And offer the naiveddha prepared for the Bhagavati and take out water on aachaman (ladle) and then, revolve it around the naiveddha thrice clockwisely.

Taambula, dakshinaa

Offer taambula[11] and dakshinaa[12] reciting the following mantras respectively—

>L dxfnIDo} gd: tfDa"n+ ;dk{ofld .. >L dxfnIDo} gd: blIf0ff+ ;dk{ofld ..
Sri mahaalaxmyai nama taambulam samarpayaami ll
Sri mahaalaxmyai nama dakshinaam samarpayaami ll

Now start worshiping those gutikaa (some kind of pellet) around the yantra with kumkum, flowers, akshata, pure water and sindur (vermilion) and chant the following mantra for whole 21 malas[13] (each mala means reciting the mantra for 108 times) with “Kamalagattaa Maalaa” (dried lotus seed rosary).   

.. ç >L+ >L+ dxfnIdL+ cfuR5 cfuR5 wg+ b]lx b]lx ç ..
ll om srim srim mahaalaxmi aagachchha aagachchha dhanam dehi dehi om ll

puspaanjali, pranaamaanjali

Offer flowers on the yantra reciting the following mantras –

gfg ;'uGw k'ikfl0f oyf sfnf]b\ejflg r .
k'ikf~hlnd{of bQf u[xf0f hublDas] ..
>L dxfnIDo} gd
: k'ikf~hln+ ;dk{ofld ..

And pray to Bhagavati reciting the following mantras with both palms stuck together facing each other inwardly—

gdf] b]Jo} dxfb]Jo} lzjfo} ;tt+ gd: ..
: k|s[To} eb|fo} lgotf: k|0ftf: :d tf: ..
>L dxfnIDo} gd
: gd:s/f]ld ..

Namo devyai mahaadevyai shivaayai satatam nama ll
Nama prakrityai bhadrayai niyataa pranataa sma taa ll
Sri mahaalaxmyai nama namaskaromi ll

Samarpana (dedication)

And offer the pujana (worshipings) and japa[14] (chants) that you just finished with on the holy feet of Bhagavati reciting the following samarpana mantra—

ç tT;t\ a|Dxfk{0fd:t', cg]g s[t]g k"hf/fwg sd{0ff .
>L dxfnIDfL b]jtf k/f;+ljt\ :j?lk0fL k|LoGtfd\ ..

Om tatsat bramhaarpanamastu, anena kritena pujaaraadhana karmanaa l
Sri mahaalaxmi devataa paraasanvit swarupini priyantaam ll

Pour down one aachaman (ladle) of pure water on the floor to fix the wrong things that might have happened during the course of pujan and japa.


ç ho nIdL dftf, d}of ho nIdL dftf .
t'dsf] lgl; lbg ;]jt, x/ lji0f' wftf ..
        ç ho nIdL dftf

pdf, /df, a|Dxf0fL, t'd xL hu dftf .
;"o{ rGb|df Wofjt, gf/bg Clif uftf ..
        ç ho nIdL dftf

b'uf{ ?k lg/+hlg, ;'v ;DklQ bftf .
hf] sf]O{ t'dsf] Woftf, l/lw l;lw wg kftf ..
        ç ho nIdL dftf

t'd kftfn lgjfl;lg, t'd xL z'e bftf .
sd{ k|efj k|sfl;lg, ej lglw sL qftf ..
        ç ho nIdL dftf

lh; 3/ t'd /xtL tx+, ;b\u'0f cftf .
;a ;Dej xf] hftf, dg gxL+ 3a/ftf ..
         ç ho nIdL dftf

t'd lag o1 g xf]t], j:q g xf] kftf .
vfg kfg sf j}ej ;a t'd;] cftf ..
         ç ho nIdL dftf

z'e u'0f dlGb/ ;'Gb/, IfL/f]blw hftf .
/Tg rt'b{z t'd lag, sf]O{ gxL+ kftf ..
          ç ho nIdL dftf

dxfnIdL hL sL cf/tL, hf] sf]O{ g/ uftf .
p/ cfgGb ;dftf, kfk pt/ hftf ..
          ç ho nIdL dftf

om jaya laxmi maataa, maiyaa jaya laxmi maataa l
tumako nisi dina sevata, hara Vishnu dhaataa ll
            om jaya laxmi maataa …….

Umaa, ramaa, bramhaani, tuma hi jaga maataa l
Surya chandramaa dhyaavata, naaradana rishi gaataa ll
            Om jaya laxmi maataa …….

Durgaa rupa niranjani, sukha sampati daataa l
Jo koi tumako dhyaataa, ridhi sidhi dhana paataa ll
            Om jaya laxmi maataa …….

Tuma paataala nivaasini, tuma hi shubha daataa l
Karma prabhaava prakaasini, bhava nidhi ki traataa ll
            Om jaya laxmi maataa ……..

Jisa ghara tuma rahati taham, sadguna aataa l
Saba sambhava ho jaataa, mana nahin ghabaraataa ll
            Om jaya laxmi maataa ……..

Tuma bina yagya na hote, vastra na ho paataa l
Khaana paana kaa vaibhava, saba tumse aataa ll
            Om jaya laxmi maataa ……..

Shubha guna mandira sundara, kshirodadhi jaataa l
Ratna chaturdasha tuma bina, koi nahin paataa ll
            Om jaya laxmi maataa ………

Mahaalaxmi ji ki aarati, jo koi nara gaataa l
Ura aananda samaataa, papa utara jaataa ll
            Om jaya laxmi maataa ………

(or you can download this bhajan song from anywhere and if you know nothing how to sing this, then, just clap and dance with playing it)  

Jala aarati (aarati with water)

Take an aachamani (ladle) from panchapaatra of pure water and revolve it around the dip (candle) for thrice clockwisely and recite the following mantra –

ç Bf}: zflGt/Gtl/If -u"+_ zflGt: पृथिवी
zflGt/fk: zflGt /f]ifwo: zflGt: . jg:kto:
zflGt lj{Zj] b]jf: zflGt: a|Dxf zflGt: ;j{ -u"+_
: zflGt/]j zflGt: ;f df zflGt/]lw ..
ç zflGt
: ç zflGt: ç zflGt: ..

om ddhau shaanti rantariksha (gum) shaanti: prithivi
shaantiraapa: shaanti rosadhaya: shaanti: l vanaspataya:
shaantir vishve devaa: shaanti: bramhaa shaanti: sarva (gum)
shaanti: shaantireva shaanti: saa maa shaantiredhi ll
om shaanti: om shaanti: om shaanti: ll

Here we finish the Pujana and sadhana.

After finishing with this pujan and sadhana, do bisarjana (throw it nicely and gently in a respected manner) the very next day all the stuffs except maalaa (rosary) and yantra in ponds, sea or somewhere very pure places and keep the maalaa (rosary) and yantra at your praying place and do chanting as more as possible for one and quarter months and then do bisarjana these things also in the water.


Most of the definitions for the things that do not have the English name since that are not native to the English-speaking countries have been taken from
and the picture used in this article is taken from google image. This is an English translation of the sadhana, and it was bestowed upon disciples by Param Bandaniya Gurudev Mahamaya Ma Yogshyama. It is strictly suggested to do any sadhanas under the supervision of your Guru (master).

[1] Suddha means as per Hindu shastra taking bath after you finishing with your toileting and stuffs and wearing clean cloths, i.e. it is called suddha cloths unless you ate food wearing the cloths, went to toilet, used in bed, and used it for outings. But it becomes suddha, when you wash it again and you should always become suddha and wear suddha cloths to do puja, sadhana or anything related to god and goddesses.
[2] You do not have to draw the whole thing; it is just the eight petals within the imaginary circle.
[3] It is a process to make yourself clean from inside and outside and you finish it with reciting “Hari Om” thrice on chin mudra.
[4] Padhya means “for the feet”, it is an offering of pure water to the god washing feet. Some people wash it themselves and some just offer water to the god depending on their practices.
[5] Tilaka/tilak, a mark worn on the forehead and other parts of the body, may be made with sandalwood paste, ashes (vibhuti), kumkum, sindhoor, clay, or other substances. The pastes are applied to the forehead and in some cases to the upper part of the head.
[6] Naivedhya refers to offering of food to God, before eating it. As such, tasting during preparation or eating the food before offering it to God is forbidden. The food is placed before a deity and prayers are offered. Then the food is consumed as a holy offering.
[7] A flower asana means putting flowers on the place where you want him to sit on
[8] Aavhaahana means inviting the deities there
[9] Bhagavati means a goddess.
[10] Akshata means a mix of rice grains with yogurt, saffron and sometimes only rice grains and saffrons.
[11] Tambula or Paan is prepared by spreading slightly scented, pungent and astringent substances on a couple of betel leaves. These leaves are neatly folded and kept in the mouth and chewed slowly.
[12] Dakshina (Sanskrit: dakṣiṇā, the feminine of dakṣiṇa "south, southern", but also "right-hand side, able, dexterous, clever") in the historical Vedic religion is the term for the recompense paid by the sacrificer for the services of a priest, originally consisting of a cow (according to Kātyāyana Śrautasūtra 15, Lāṭyāyana Śrautasūtra 8.1.2). The term itself is derived from this, the feminine dakṣiṇā being a term for a cow able to calve and give milk (a prolific cow, milch-cow) in the Rigveda.
[13] 1 Mala equals to chanting the mantra 108 times. Each rosary contains 108 beads plus the sumeru/head bead (the marker of beginning or finishing of each malaa chanting and you must not cross the sumeru. when you reach there, you must flip it other way around in a manner so that you would be able to start again from where you ended and you would not cross the sumeru as well) 
[14] Japa is a spiritual discipline involving the meditative repetition of a mantra or name of a divine power

1 comment:

  1. nice post! can you please tell when to chant mahalakshmi stotram during Diwali or Dussehra?
